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Remembering 9/11 09/11/2009

Posted by Leona Dawnfire in Freedom.
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Eight years ago today, America was attacked. Thousands of lives were lost and countless lives were affected when the World Trade Center and the Pentagon were attacked, and when Flight 93 was hijacked and crashed.

I don’t think that I, personally, will ever forget that day. I remember the time I found out, the first time I saw the videos of the crashes and the collapses of the towers on the news, and the horror I felt at the evil I saw.

On September 10th, 2001, I was innocent.

On September 11th, 2001, I was not.

9/11 shook my beliefs. How could such evil exist as to slaughter innocent civilians? How could such hatred for the American way exist?

I believed that no one could forget that day. Yet many people around me seem perfectly happy to let today pass unmarked. However, I cannot do such.

For images of the fateful day, click here.

Remember September the 11th. Always Remember.