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Census Workers Empowered Under Federal Law to Demand Access to Any Home that is Rented Out 05/28/2010

Posted by Leona Dawnfire in Freedom, Government.
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Census workers – all, down to the lowest and newest employee – have the power under federal law to demand access to any home – apartment or otherwise – that is rented out, even when the people who live there are not at home. If the landlord refuses to grant the worker access to the home, the landlord can be fined $500.

Apparently, it is not enough to fine Americans for failing to answer extremely personal, intrusive questions, but now landlords must give census workers full access to your rented home.

Isn’t it wonderful to think that some random, temporary census worker could be snooping in your apartment while you are out shopping for groceries – snooping through your belongings in a supposed attempt to discover statistical information about you for the government?

Welcome to America, the land of the free.
